Monday, October 1, 2007

What a hoppin' busy weekend we had

Took in the terrific panel talking about the future (or lack thereof) of newspapers at the Santa Barbara Writers & Authors festival.

Got the bejeebers scared out of me at Naomi Klein's talk on her book, "The Shock Doctrine." (as did Trekking Left over at The Average Man)

Picked up a bag full'o books at the annual Planned Parenthood Booksale at Earl Warren Showgrounds.

And, of course, enjoyed the terrific sun drenched scenery at one of our many local community parks.

and, you? How did you enjoy your Sunday?


Trekking Left said...

I slept in and then blogged about Saturday :)

Vigilante said...

I took in cirque de soleil in L.A., then blogged about Sunday...